25 November 2014

2014 - Happenings

Pau Lee with proud parents at University Putra Malaysia - 3 November 2014

Chew Hong and Mrs, and Pau Kheng at Pau Lee's graduation in Serdang

Eugene Koo, Amylia and family

Mr and Mrs Koo

Another lovely pic of the really cool Koo couple


Jack and Trudy - 25 September 2014


Jolie and Alan - Jan 2014


Jerell's first visit to Taiping to pay respects to ancestors - 16 November 2014

Grandparents, Chung Chow and Lee Mooi at the columbarium in Assam Kumbang
Sally, Alvin, Eunice, Jenelle and Jerell
Prayers and offerings

Maternal grandparents at Prestavest, Pokok Assam
Jerell is so shy - his first visit
Prayers and offerings from Alvin and family

At Taman Lake View